Spirit Fish

Spirit Fish Festival (2009 – 2011)

The Spirit Fish Festival connected communities to the water we use, and revealed how water travels from our backyards through streams and rivers to the oceans: interacting with each of us whether we realize it or not. Water is the circulatory system of the earth and this festival celebrated it, along with all the creatures who depend upon it for their lives.

We offered bicycle decorating workshops which encouraged many of our riders to dress up as fish in the parade! At the festival, attendees were delighted by art, performance, and beauty on the banks of the Brunette River and Burnaby Lake. Many people walked a nature tour, saw the arrival of the River Goddess, ate tea and cookies, created origami boats or fishy artwork, drank tea, and offered a prayer for the water. At mid-afternoon, a special Prayers for the Water ritual took place and the lanterns were released under the overpass.

Supported by the City of Burnaby and the Canada Council for the Arts.