The Spectacular Dawn Chorus
To celebrate bird month in Vancouver, we invite local bird expert Roy Jantzen to introduce community members to bird language and the dawn chorus, an early morning symphony/cacophony of bird songs. The talk, presented by Roy, will be held online on April 30th. Attendees will learn about the birds singing early in the morning, the different calls they make, and how to become better listeners and observers of the dawn chorus.
Dawn Chorus Event (May 2nd)
Then, on May 2nd, we invite folks to get up early in the morning to experience the dawn chorus from their location and to record a brief snippet of the sounds. An online call later that day will take place, where participants will share their experiences and discuss the birds they heard. We hope to eventually map out the whereabouts of these bird songs and compose an audio-edited symphony of the Dawn Chorus!
All events will take place on Zoom.
Thank you to everyone who woke up early and submitted a recording of the dawn chorus from your neighbourhood!
We are pleased to present the wonderful sounds that were heard all across the city and the region on May 2nd, 2021. We encourage you to take a close listen and see if you can identify the singers. Each recording will feature different birds, so we challenge you to spot the similarities and differences!
Apr 30th, 7:00 – 8:00 PM – Dawn Chorus Talk with Roy Jantzen
May 2nd, 5:48 AM – Sunrise – Rise and Shine: Catch the Dawn Chorus
May 2nd, 7:00 – 8:00 PM – Share Experiences over Zoom
Speaker Bio:
Roy Jantzen is a professor of Natural History, Ecotourism, Climate Change in Tourism and Environmental Stewardship in the Faculty of Global and Community Studies at Capilano University. For over two decades, Roy has helped educate the public about the importance of biodiversity and our human place within it. Roy loves watching and listening to birds and in 2015 Roy had a book published titled, Active Vancouver: A Year-Round Guide to Outdoor Recreation in the City’s Natural Environments. The book’s focus was to ground the reader in the natural sights and sounds of nature, while recreating outdoors. Roy is excited to share his love of the outdoors and nature with this Still Moon Arts Society event.
Please enjoy the dawn chorus recordings sent in by people from across the region. If you are interested, there is an international Dawn Chorus sound compilation and map where you can listen to bird sounds from all over the world, which were recorded throughout the month of May. Click here to listen.