Still Moon Arts Society inspires vibrant and connected communities by creating artistic experiences and nurturing a passion for nature.

Our belief in the power of artistic experiences to move and engage people guides us as we bring together art, environment, and community in East Vancouver, with specific focus on the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood and Still Creek watershed

Since 2004, we have used art to raise awareness and bring about positive change by mobilizing the local community to restore the Renfrew Ravine from a neglected dumping ground to a place of natural beauty, and educational opportunities.

Featured Events

World Wetlands Day and Imbloc Celebration

Gardeners’ Gathering with Handkerchief Dyeing

Join the Still Moon team for some fun getting your hands dirty, while connecting with other gardeners in the community and exchanging gardening knowledge.

Help to weed, water and maintain the garden, which provides the dye, fibre and medicine plants that Still Moon uses in its free and low-cost community arts programs.

At this session, we’ll experiment with dyes and you’ll take home a small handkerchief dyed with Red Madder (Rubia Tinctoria).


May 7

When: 5 PM to 7 PM

    Where: Colour Me local Dye Garden | Map

    World Wetlands Day and Imbloc Celebration

    Gardeners’ Gathering with guest artists Masumi Rodriguez and Elena Kirby

    Join the Still Moon team for some fun getting your hands dirty, connecting with gardeners in the community, and exchanging gardening knowledge.

    Help to weed, water and maintain the garden, which provides the dye, fibre and medicine plants that Still Moon uses in its free and low-cost community arts programs.

    Guest artists Masumi Rodriguez and Elena Kirby will share how they use papermaking to integrate work with ecologists and researchers into their artistic practice.  Papermaking is a tool to expand on notions of material meaning, cooperation, play, and slow process-based practices.


    May 11

    When: 10 AM – 12 PM

      Where: Colour Me local Dye Garden | Map

      World Wetlands Day and Imbloc Celebration

      Nature’s Contours: Drawing with Line at the Dye Garden

      Join Ada Dragomir, Visual Artist and Still Moon’s Eco-Arts Programs Manager, for a contemplative and attuned course in contour drawing. Contour drawing is a form of observational line-based drawing that attends to the shape and volume of a subject from real life. It’s a way to see beyond the details into the essence of a thing. It’s simple to learn and encourages a state of flow.


      May 25

      When: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

      Where: Colour Me Local | Map


       Sign up for our email newsletter to hear about our upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

      Moon Festival

      Learn about our signature festival: live music, dance and illuminated art along the forested banks of Still Creek.

      Hire Us

      Eco-art workshops for events and teams, tours of Renfrew Ravine, roving performers, and more!

      Thank You to our Funders

      British Columbia Arts Council Logo

      and our Partners and Community Supporters