
Engaging the community in the creation of urban wetlands is part of Still Moon’s major stewardship initiative, Shedding Light on Still Creek. In partnership with the Parks Board and the City of Vancouver, Still Moon will be co-creating wetlands and community greenspaces in three local parks with residents of the Still Creek watershed: Beaconsfield Park (next to the Italian Cultural Centre), Slocan Park (home to Still Moon’s Alder Eco-Arts Hub), and Falaise Park. The project will specifically engage underserved and IBPOC residents and eventually provide a space for ongoing eco-arts and stewardship programming. The Parks Board began site testing and preliminary design work in the Spring/Summer of 2021. Design work will be completed in 2023 and Wetland creation will be completed in 2024. There will be lots of opportunities to be involved. 

Our work on this project includes public engagements, including Invoking Beaconsfield Wetland (2022), and events in Falaise and Slocan Parks (summer 2023). In 2024, local residents will have the opportunity to participate in planting, maintaining, and monitoring the wetland. Specific activities will include water quality testing, invasive plant removal, and planting native species.

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Long-term goals

1. Provide new interactive green spaces for the Still Creek watershed community (Renfrew Collingwood)

Did you know that the Still Creek watershed has low access to nature and only 7% coverage of green canopy? Low tree canopy cover worsens the urban heat island effect which shows urban areas being hotter than surrounding rural areas.

2. Alleviate flooding by redirecting water into the wetland

Did you know that Vancouver is characterized by a high degree of impervious area (paved areas, roofs and other hard surfaces that don’t allow rainwater to soak into the ground)? Vancouver is facing ongoing flooding issues. Green infrastructure, including wetlands, increase permeable surfaces so that flooding is reduced. Urban wetlands also clean rainwater before it flows into major bodies of water.

3. Increase habitat for local flora and fauna, increasing biodiversity in the neighbourhood

Creating wetland areas in these three parks supports multiple objectives outlined by the city’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, Rain City Strategy Plan, Biodiversity Strategy, and VanPlay Master Plan. This project will:

  •        Enhance the long-term health and vigour of blue spaces, green spaces, trees and biodiversity
  •        Improve water quality of local water bodies

4. Create a wetland eco-art installation

Under future projects, we hope to work with the community to celebrate and engage with the wetlands by creating eco-art installations in the area.

Windermere Leadership students removing invasive species - Photo by Emma Warner-Chee (Jan 2020)


Think Big: There is a remnant stream of Still Creek just 100m from the soon-to-be Beaconsfield wetland. Could the wetland one day be connected to the forgotten remnant stream?

Project Funders & Supporters

Vancouver Parks Board
TD Friends of the Environment Foundation
Vancouver Greenest City
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation